When I trigger via Jenkins (code deploy plugin), I get the following error -
No such file or directory - /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/edbe4bd2-3999-4820-b782-42d8aceb18e6/d-8C01LCBMG/deployment-archive/appspec.yml
However, if I trigger deployment into the same deployment group via code deploy directly, and specify the same zip in S3 (obtained via Jenkins trigger), this step passes.
What does this mean, and how do I find a workaround to this? I am currently working on integrating a few things and so, will need to deploy via code deploy and via Jenkins simultaneously. I will run the code deploy triggered deployment when I will need to ensure that the smaller unit is functioning well.
Just mentioning another point, in case it applies. I was previously using a different codedeploy "application" and "deployment group" on the same ec2 instances, and deplying using jenkins and code deploy directly as well. In order to fix some issue (not allowing to overwrite existing files due to failed deployments, allegedly), I had deleted everything inside the /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/<directory containing deployments>
directory, trying to follow what was mentioned in this answer. However, note that I deleted only items inside that directory. Thereafter, I started getting this error appspec.yml not found in deployment archive. So, then I created a new application and deployment group and since then, I am working on it.
So, another point to consider is whether I should do some further cleanup, if the jenkins triggered deployment is somehow still affected by those deletions (even though it is referring to the new application and deployment group).
is not present inside/opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/edbe4bd2-3999-4820-b782-42d8aceb18e6/
at all. This seems to be an old deployment ID, and every time I try to do a build from jenkins, it looks for this particular build. I am not sure why does it try to look for this when the appspec file is present in the zip archive. Is it possible that it is somehow unable to access the file in the applicationstop step and hence looking for in the archive? Or is it like the archive content is anyway looked at regardless of this? – Sandeepan Nath