
I am an Apple Developer but my program membership has expired.

My app that I was testing locally used push notifications so I signed up for an iOS push notification certificate via the membership center. After my program membership expired, when a user launches the app locally, the NSLog echoes out a 0 for the device token instead of a unique 64 character string. Do I have to pay for a new Program Membership from Apple to renew my iOS push notification certificates? Because when I log onto member center now, all it shows is a message saying to renew it.

Can someone post an official link or something for verification?


1 Answers


Yes, you need to renew your account.

The Supported Capabilities page says Push Notifications for iOS require "an Apple ID associated with an Apple Developer Program membership".

Also, Maintaining Your Signing Identities and Certificates says you need to be a team agent/admin to revoke your certificates. Obviously you need to be part of a team to have a team agent/admin.

You can also call Developer Relations and ask, but it should be somewhat intuitive that you don't get lifetime push notifications for buying 1 year of membership.