
Is there a way to restrict certain columns "fields" from the mysqldump command?

E.g. I want to dump profile database which has 2 tables "table 1, table 2". in table 1 there is column "field" name first_name and in table 2 there is column "field" name address and column "field" name last name which I want to skip.

Duplicate question, see this: dba.stackexchange.com/questions/34887/…Jacques
@JaccoAmersfoort or you could answer and say "No" for my upvoteDrew
@JaccoAmersfoort it is not duplicate, dba.stackexchange.com/questions/34887/… is about dumping a single table, while my question is about dumping the whole database.Yama
The answer is no you can't. Unless you tweak the source code and recompile itDrew

1 Answers


You can use SELECT columns FROM table INTO OUTFILE /path statements to achieve.