currently i´m playing around with ASP.NET MVC development under windows with VS2015. Until now i made some hello world beginner tutorials...
I wondered if it is possible to just copy the VS project folder from windows to a ubuntu virtual machine and run it there with monodevelop?! So i setup a VM with Ubuntu,installed mono, monodevelop etc.. and made the same hello world tutorials there, which worked. However, when i copy the windows project to some directory of the ubuntu vm and open it with monodevelop, i always get the following error message when trying to build:
/home/Projects/Asp.Net/TestAspNet/CSC: Error CS0041: Unexpected error writing debug information -- 'The method or operation is not implemented.' (CS0041) (TestAspNet)
Ubuntu / monodevelop setup:
MonoDevelop Version 5.10 Installation UUID: 65380f1c-f5cd-4b10-bb22-ceecad263cf0 Runtime: Mono 4.4.1 (Nightly Wed Jun 22 11:14:49 UTC 2016) (64-bit) GTK+ 2.24.10 (Ambiance theme)
Build Information Build information unavailable
Operating System Linux Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-92-generic #139~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 29 21:30:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Edit: Asp.Net Project under Windows:
VS2015, Target-Framework 4.5, Empty MVC Template 4.5
I googled the error message but did not find something which helped me fixing the problem. Anyway, i don´t know if the "just copy from windows, run with monodev - done" approach is a valid one. But it would be great if it were that simple.
Thanks in advance!
I updated NuGet Packages in monodevelop, cleaned and rebuild and now i got the following error:
/home/Projects/Asp.Net/FromVS2015/TestAspNet/TestAspNet/CSC: Error CS0041: Unexpected error writing debug information -- 'Windows PDB writer is not available -- could not find Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.amd64.dll' (CS0041)
I build the project again with VS2015 Debug - x86, this time (before it was AnyCpu), copied it to the ubuntu machine and bang:
got the same error:
/home/Projects/Asp.Net/TestAspNet/CSC: Error CS0041: Unexpected error writing debug information -- 'The method or operation is not implemented.' (CS0041) (TestAspNet)