
I'm having issue with what I feel is a simple url pattern match, but seeing unexpected behavior for an API I created.

I set up the API, and when I place the "URL Pattern", I do something simple like "/player/{playerId}"

When I go to the next screen to input the endpoint information, I reference my path variable as it appears in the documentation, like http://mycoolendpoint.com/playerInfo/{uri.var.playerId}

What I end up seeing is that the entire URL pattern is being appended to my endpoint. So, in the above, instead of seeing the expected http://mycoolendpoint.com/playerInfo/111, I see coming across the wire http://mycoolendpoint.com/playerInfo/111/player/111

Am I setting up something wrong when I do this syntax that it's appending the entire URL pattern to the Sandbox and Production endpoints instead of just the value of the path variable?


2 Answers


API's resource is normally appended to its endpoint URL by API Manager by default So to avoid this you can follow below instructions,

  1. Create a custom sequence with the following content and save it as a .xml file.
<sequence xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="TestSequence">
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>
  1. Now edit your API in publisher. In design view go to "Message Mediation Policies" section and Enable Message mediation. Now add a In Flow and upload the previously saved sequence.

There are 2 ways you can do this by defining your API like below.

1) Define resource like this.


and define endpoint like this.



2) Define resource like this.


and define endpoint like this.


Or you can also do this as @ycr has mentioned. If you want to do that change for all APIs without creating a custom sequence file, you can add below line inside InSequence section of <APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/api_templates/velocity_template.xml file.

<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>

This template is used when APIM creates synapse files of new APIs.