I need an algorithm to draw echo path for an arbitrary polygon. If a polygon is convex problem is quite easy to solve. To understand what I mean please look at the picture bellow where in black is original polygon and in red color echoed polygons generated from original one.
is distance between echo paths which is given
angle is easy to calculate knowing coordinates of vertices which we have
So as you can see for each vertex we can calculate L
and thus have new vertices for next echo path.
The problem is when we have concave polygon at some point we will get an ugly picture of self crossing polygon. Please take a look to this picture.
What I want to do is generate echo polygon without self crossing part i.e. without part that is with dash lines. An algorithm or java
code would be very helpful. Thanks.
Just adding piece of code that generates echo path for convex polygon as it was asked in comment.
public List<MyPath> createEchoCoCentral( List<Point> pointsOriginal, float encoderEchoDistance, int appliqueEchoCount){
List<Point> contourPoints = pointsOriginal;
List<MyPath> echoPaths = new ArrayList<>();
for (int round = 0; round < appliqueEchoCount; round++) {
List<Point> echoedPoints = new ArrayList<>();
int size = contourPoints.size()+1;//+1 because we connect end to start
Point previousPoint = contourPoints.get(contourPoints.size() - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Point currentPoint;
if (i == contourPoints.size()) {
currentPoint = new Point(contourPoints.get(0));
} else {
currentPoint = contourPoints.get(i);
final Point nextPoint;
if (i + 1 == contourPoints.size()) {
nextPoint = contourPoints.get(0);
} else if (i == contourPoints.size()) {
nextPoint = contourPoints.get(1);
} else {
nextPoint = contourPoints.get(i + 1);
if (currentPoint.x == previousPoint.x && currentPoint.y == previousPoint.y) continue;
if (currentPoint.x == nextPoint.x && currentPoint.y == nextPoint.y) continue;
// signs needed o determine to which side of polygon new point will go
float currentSlope = (float) (Math.atan((previousPoint.y - currentPoint.y) / (previousPoint.x - currentPoint.x)));
float signX = Math.signum((previousPoint.x - currentPoint.x));
float signY = Math.signum((previousPoint.y - currentPoint.y));
signX = signX == 0 ? 1 : signX;
signY = signY == 0 ? 1 : signY;
float nextSignX = Math.signum((currentPoint.x - nextPoint.x));
float nextSignY = Math.signum((currentPoint.y - nextPoint.y));
nextSignX = nextSignX == 0 ? 1 : nextSignX;
nextSignY = nextSignY == 0 ? 1 : nextSignY;
float nextSlope = (float) (Math.atan((currentPoint.y - nextPoint.y) / (currentPoint.x - nextPoint.x)));
float nextSlopeD = (float) Math.toDegrees(nextSlope);
//calculateMidAngle - is a bit tricky function that calculates angle between two adjacent edges
double S = calculateMidAngle(currentSlope, nextSlope, signX, signY, nextSignX, nextSignY);
Point p2 = new Point();
double ew = encoderEchoDistance / Math.cos(S - (Math.PI / 2));
p2.x = (int) (currentPoint.x + (Math.cos(currentSlope - S)) * ew * signX);
p2.y = (int) (currentPoint.y + (Math.sin(currentSlope - S)) * ew * signX);
previousPoint = currentPoint;
//createPathFromPoints just creates MyPath objects from given Poins set
//remove last point since it was just to connect end to first point
echoedPoints.remove(echoedPoints.size() - 1);
contourPoints = echoedPoints;
return echoPaths;