First question, excuse me if this has already been solved, but I've searched thoroughly and cannot find an answer:
I have linked several named ranges into a word document. This word doc (and the related excel workbook with named ranges) is a template: it's for a coworker who will make many copies of these templates (of both the word doc and the excel workbook).
I would like to include a command button in the word doc that, when clicked, will update the sources for the linked named ranges. Specifically, I want it to set the workbook with the same name as the worddoc, as the source.
The issue is that it does not like the named range I have entered. I get the:
Run-time error '6083': Objects in this document contain links to files that cannot be found. The linked information will not be updated.`
However, I have quadrupled-checked my excel doc, the named range exists. AND, when I hit Alt+F9 in word, I clearly see the link contains the named range!
{LINK Excel.Sheet.8 C:\Users\Marc\Documents\WIP_SSS.xlsm CED \a \p}
Here is my code:
Public Sub ChangeSource()
Dim filename As Variant
Dim fieldcount As Integer
Dim x As Integer
filename = Left(Application.ActiveDocument.Name, Len(Application.ActiveDocument.Name) - 4) & "xlsm"
fieldcount = ActiveDocument.Fields.Count
For x = 1 To fieldcount
'Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Fields(x).Type
If ActiveDocument.Fields(x).Type = 56 Then
ActiveDocument.Fields(x).LinkFormat.SourceFullName = ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & _
filename & "!CED"
End If
Next x
End Sub
If I don't enter the named range at all, the macro works, but it embeds the entire excel worksheet (which I do not want it to do). Any ideas on how/ why it is not liking the named range?
Thanks, Marc
UPDATE: With help from Bibadia, I found a solution; in addition, I want to document some strange behavior exhibited by Word VBA:
First off, the solution code:
Public Sub ChangeSource()
Dim filename As Variant
Dim fieldcount As Integer
Dim x As Integer
filename = ThisDocument.Path & "\" & Left(Application.ActiveDocument.Name, Len(Application.ActiveDocument.Name) - 4) & "xlsm"
fieldcount = ActiveDocument.Fields.Count
For x = 1 To fieldcount
On Error Resume Next
If ActiveDocument.Fields(x).Type = 56 Then
End If
Next x
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("R1").Range.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject filename:=filename & "!Range1", LinkToFile:=True
End Sub
I first deleted all type 56 fields (linked object, or more technically, "wdfieldlinked"). Then, I added OLEObjects at pre-set bookmark locations.
Interestingly, just as Bibadia noted, the key was to input the LinkToFile:=True
code. It seems Word will not accept the object if it is embedded: if I remove that line, I get the error Word Cannot obtain the data for the C:\...\document!NamedRange link.
Finally, I found one other odd behavior: When trying to simply replace the link, using this code,
ActiveDocument.Fields(1).LinkFormat.SourceFullName = filepath+name & _
"!CED" 'that is the named range
it would work once, when I changed both the word document's and the excel workbook's filenames (see original message for context). So, when the new filepath+name DID NOT match the existing filepath+name, Word VBA accepted the change. However, once initially updated, if I tried to run the macro again, I would get:
run-time error '6083': Objects in this document contain links to files that cannot be found. The linked information will not be updated.
I would get this error even if I changed the named range to another named range in the same worksheet (and obviously same workbook). So it appears that Word VBA does not like "updating" filepath+name when the filepath+name does not change.
Just so anyone who didn't know (like me) now knows. Sorry for the long update, I just wanted to be thorough.