
Step by step i did these

  1. Create a new Facebook App (App ID: 544557495732050)

  2. Create a new Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/Pasha-electronic-502844156580479/)

  3. In App which created by step 1 check yes (Yes, mirror to page - which created on step 2) https://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments
  4. Create a new web page (which include javascript src and div tag) http://pasha-k.az/ramin/test.html
  5. Share this link on Facebook Page which created by step 2 https://www.facebook.com/Pasha-electronic-502844156580479/)

Problem: I see different comments. Comment mirroring does not work.

I have same problem with this issue. Did you resolved this already?c.k
unfortunately no :(Ramin Darvishov
Maybe this could help. developers.facebook.com/bugs/1624076297911442 Update me when you found something new. Thank you!c.k

2 Answers



  1. Your FB app status is "This app is public and available to all users" https://developers.facebook.com/apps/

  2. Your FB page status is "Page is visible to everyone" in page's Settings > Country Restrictions

  3. Your FB page status is "Page is shown to everyone" in page's Settings > Age Restrictions

  4. Your URL points to the right page on your website

  5. Your webpage has this META tag:

    <meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID" />
  6. The META tag above has attribute property= instead of standard name=

  7. There are no curly braces {} around your APP ID in the META tag.

  8. You enabled mirroring and selected your page in Moderation Tool https://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments/

  9. There is no extra extra slash / in your url

  10. You posted the exact URL in your FB page, as the page administrator

  11. On top of your post you see an Earth icon; move your mouse over and you see "Public"

  12. When you comment on your webpage, you see this note under the comment area: "Your comment may also appear on XYZ's Facebook Page."

  13. When you comment your FB post, you see this note under the comment area: "This comment will also be posted to www.sample.com."

  14. You can fix errors using the FB Sharing Debugger https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/

  15. You can clear FB sharing cache associated with your url https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/batch/


  1. Append # at the end of your URL

  2. Try your URL without www

Bug Report:

You can submit a bug report to Facebook for Developer page https://developers.facebook.com/bugs


Comment mirroring takes effect on new webpages created after the setting has been enabled. The first you time share the URL, current mirroring status is retained for that URL - forever.


From 6th Feb 2018 Facebook comments mirroring is deprecated and no longer supported.

Comment Mirroring: Pages that currently have Comment Mirroring enabled will continue to mirror comments for the next 90 days. Full deprecation of Comment Mirroring will conclude on 2/6/2018. Comment Mirroring is no longer available for Pages that do not have it enabled already.
