Your FB app status is "This app is public and available to all users"
Your FB page status is "Page is visible to everyone" in page's Settings > Country Restrictions
Your FB page status is "Page is shown to everyone" in page's Settings > Age Restrictions
Your URL points to the right page on your website
Your webpage has this META tag:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID" />
The META tag above has attribute property= instead of standard name=
There are no curly braces {} around your APP ID in the META tag.
You enabled mirroring and selected your page in Moderation Tool
There is no extra extra slash / in your url
You posted the exact URL in your FB page, as the page administrator
On top of your post you see an Earth icon; move your mouse over and you see "Public"
When you comment on your webpage, you see this note under the comment area: "Your comment may also appear on XYZ's Facebook Page."
When you comment your FB post, you see this note under the comment area: "This comment will also be posted to"
You can fix errors using the FB Sharing Debugger
You can clear FB sharing cache associated with your url
Append # at the end of your URL
Try your URL without www
Bug Report:
You can submit a bug report to Facebook for Developer page
Comment mirroring takes effect on new webpages created after the setting has been enabled. The first you time share the URL, current mirroring status is retained for that URL - forever.