Using PDI Kettle MongoDB Output, I am trying to update a mongodb document, by querying the _id (ObjectId) field. If i pass the _id variable as String to the MongoDB Output step, the final query that gets created looks like
Modifier update query:
"_id" : "<string val>"
which might get transformed finally to something like
Modifier update query:
"_id" : "579c18b47f34b4330f85a981"
This might be causing the query not finding the document and update fails with error " No fields to update have been specified for modifier update operation! "
Is there any way i can specify the query as below ?
{"_id" : ObjectId(579c18b47f34b4330f85a981)}
Or am i seeing the error because of some other reason ?
Please find the screenshot of the "mongo document fields" tab.