In laravel I've simply done this:
Route::group(["middleware" => "admin"], function() {
Route::get("/", "UserController@index")->name("user_index");
Route::group(["middleware" => "user", "as" => "User::"], function() {
Route::get("/", "DocumentController@index")->name("user_index");
The problem is when I am logged in as my Admin auth middleware, when going to "/" my browser returns too many redirects and stops. I'm guessing because the second route is removing this as when I print out php artisan route:list
there is only one result for "/" and that's with the user middle's parameters so it's defo overriding the previous route.
What I don't understand is why would it do this is both have a separate middleware?
Both middlewares are extremely simple. Below is my admin
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ( Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasRole("customer_service") )
return $next($request);
return redirect("/");
And my user's middleware is exactly alike except the role is different
? – Jeremy Harrisuser_index
user isUser::user_index
I've tried changing the name and I get the same issue :( – bashleigh