I am developing house app.I retrieve data using query for expense and income from different table name as expenses and incomes respectively. If I use expense only then it would print and if i try to mix income value too it give me problem.
$expenses = $expense->dailyExpense();
$income = $income->dailyIncome();
return response()->json(['data' => ['expenses' => $expenses , 'income' => $income] , 'msg' => 'Daily Expense']);
the query portion for income is:
public function dailyIncome()
return $this->makeModel()
->select(DB::raw("sum(cost) as income"),"date")
the query portion for income is:
public function dailyExpense()
return $this->makeModel()
->select(DB::raw("sum(cost) as cost") , "date" , DB::raw("dayname(date) as calendar"))
Client portion:
$scope.genereateReport = function () {
$scope.choices = ['Daily', 'Monthly', 'Yearly'];
$scope.$watch('selection', function (newVal, oldVal) {
switch (newVal) {
case 'Daily':
$scope.url = $scope.base_path + 'dailyExpenses';
$http.get($scope.url).success(function (response) {
$scope.expenses = response.data.expenses;
$scope.income = response.data.income;
$scope.totalExpenses = response.data.totalExpenses;
$scope.displayedCollection = [].concat($scope.expenses,$scope.income);
console.log("collection:" + $scope.displayedCollection);
$scope.totalExpenses = [].concat($scope.$totalExpenses);
// $scope.income = [].concat($scope.income);
$scope.itemsByPage = 10;
View Portion:
<th class="table-header-check">S.N</th>
<th st-sort="date" class="table-header-repeat line-left minwidth-1">Date</th>
<th st-sort="date" class="table-header-repeat line-left minwidth-1">Calandar</th>
<th st-sort="cost" class="table-header-repeat line-left minwidth-1">
</th> <th st-sort="cost" class="table-header-repeat line-left minwidth-1">
<tr data-ng-repeat="row in displayedCollection track by $index" >
<td><% $index+1 %></td>
<td colspan="4">
Total Expense: <%totalExpenses%>
Result of above query in json form is:
View is like this without displaying income:
Desired output is like this..