For the "Classic" ASM stack ("Classic" VNET) i'm not aware of an API that would allow you to modify the pre-shared key on the Azure Gateway.
For ARM, the hint is in Step 8 (-SharedKey
Create the VPN connection
Next, you'll create the Site-to-Site VPN connection between your virtual network gateway and your VPN device. Be sure to replace the values with your own. The shared key must match the value you used for your VPN device configuration. Note that the -ConnectionType for Site-to-Site is IPsec.
$gateway1 = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name vnetgw1 -ResourceGroupName testrg
$local = Get-AzureRmLocalNetworkGateway -Name LocalSite -ResourceGroupName testrg
New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name localtovon `
-ResourceGroupName testrg `
-Location 'West US' `
-VirtualNetworkGateway1 $gateway1 `
-LocalNetworkGateway2 $local `
-ConnectionType IPsec `
-RoutingWeight 10 `
-SharedKey 'abc123'
You don't have to use PowerShell to create the ARM Gateway. You can now do that using the Portal UI. You'll be presented with a pre-shared key input box when following the New "Connection" wizard. So first you create the Gateway and then the Site-to-site "Connection".
If you already have the ARM Virtual Network Gateway created, just go to
type in the name of the Site-to-Site "Connection" in the search box, look for the key in the JSON representation, edit, replace and save.
Wait a few minutes for the Gateway to pick up the new key and you're done.
To answer your last question:
where i can found a complete guide of powershell commands to manipulate the VPN gateway?
Resource Explorer ( has a neat way of exploring that -- check out its PowerShell tab while browsing through the resources.