
I have hundreds of audio tracks and

I want to add Silence before all tracks.

I know it can be done through Chain, but I do not know how exactly it can be done.

PS: The following I have tried:

File> Edit Chains then File> Apply Chain> Apply to Files> selected required files, the output files are all silenced. I do not know coding, this is the first time I am using Audacity.

I am attaching the Edit Chains window.

enter image description here

sorry but I do not know Audacity coding, I have modified the question. Kindly have a look.pkj
Audacity is GUI. If you want to edit hundret of files, you should use a scripting language. AFAIK you can edit audio files with for example Python.guettli

1 Answers


Actually, Audacity provides more easy way to add silence for each of your files.

First import all the tracks and select all. Then follow Transport > Cursor to > Section Start

This path will put your cursor at the beginning (0th mili-second)

Then Generate > Silence path will ask for the duration. (My favorite is hh:mm:ss + miliseconds)

Sample screen for entering duration

After confirmation all of your sounds will be prepared like here.

Audacity's chain logic doesn't allow to set duration for silence command, it takes the length of longest track and produce all-silence sounds. This task will be more easy rather than applying chain.