
I want to select only distinct values from each column. Not distinct combination. Here is my query but its returning distinct combination of all columns. i want that each column show its own distinct values without depending on other columns.

 $sql= "select distinct
            CASE WHEN col1 not regexp '[0-9]' THEN col1 else null end as col1
            ,CASE WHEN col2 not regexp '[0-9]' THEN col2 else null end as col2
            ,CASE WHEN col3 not regexp '[0-9]' THEN col3 else null end as col3 from table_name";

It returns this:

col1| col2| col3
a      1     3
b      2     4
c      2     4
d      1     3

you guys could see that the values of col2 and col3 are not distinct i want only distinct from col2 and col3 too. Thanks!

Can you elaborate on but not working? Can you show us sample data and what your desired output is?Tim Biegeleisen
@TimBiegeleisen check it now hope you will get it.tooba
Distinct works across all columns, not individually in them, in the case of distinct col1, col2, col3 ... and your case stmt does not impact thatDrew
Sample data and desired results would help us understand what you want.Gordon Linoff
@Drew so i want to select distinct values of all col1, col2, col3 separately. not the distinct combination of all these columns.tooba

1 Answers


My best guess as to what you want is to use union all:

select distinct (case when col1 not regexp '[0-9]' then col1 end) as col1, 'col1' as which
from table_name
union all
select distinct (case when col2 not regexp '[0-9]' then col2 end) as col2, 'col2' as which
from table_name
union all
select distinct (case when col3 not regexp '[0-9]' then col3 end) as col3, 'col3' as which
from table_name;

This produces a result with two columns, one is the column name and the other is a distinct value in the column.