I am developing a game in adobe air, in which i have a movie clip at the center. When the user touches this movie clip and moves around the stage, the movie clips needs to change its "x" accordingly to the touch's position. I am using the following code, which is doing exactly what it intended to do :
MC.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, touchDownMC);
function touchDownMC(e:TouchEvent):void {
MC.x = e.stageX;
The MC is moving correctly, but the problem is, after 10-15 seconds while the user is pressing the MC and moving it around, the MC just stops responding for the current touch event, and the user needs to re-touch it and move back around. It seems like it's loosing the TouchEvent. How can i make the MC constantly move as long as i have my finger on it, keep it listening and moving?