I have a Excel 2007 sheet containing 1K records with 10+ columns. The problem is that, One cell contains multiple data which i need to move down into each cell and along with it, I need to insert new rows as shifting down the data disrupts the rest of the rows and overlaps. Is their a VBA code or macro process that does that. Please Help.
Here's the excel sheet.
Category | Desciption | Sizes | Price
------ | ------
car | Car Description | 123 - M | $20
1245 - XL | $50
1243 - XXL| $55
Car2 | Car2 Description | 123 - M | $20
1245 - XL | $50
1243 - XXL| $55
I hope its clear what I want to achieve. SIzes Column data are on ONE cell and I need to shift these down while inserting rows so as not to disturb the rest of data below.
Many Thanks. Haroon