In Access 2013, I am trying to create a set of cascading combo boxes in a form. Should be simple enough, even using only macros.
The query for the second combo box isn't returning all relevant records, but only for certain values in the first combo box. Instead, it returns only the first record.
Example dummy database:
Title Volume
Furniture 1
Furniture 2
Furniture 3
Sapiens 2000-1
Sapiens 2000-2
Sapiens Feb-2000
AfterUpdate in the first box calls requery on both.
The query is
SELECT Updates.Vol, Updates.Title
FROM Updates
WHERE (((Updates.Title)=[Forms]![Form1]![TitleEdit]))
ORDER BY Updates.Vol DESC;
When the first combo box is set to "Furniture" the second populates with 1,2,3 as it should. When I set the first combo box to "Sapiens" the second one contains only "2000-1".
The actual DB is somewhat larger and has more entries, which either work or give only the first entry as above.