
I've seen these questions about using Postman in order to invoke Google's API with OAuth 2:

Using Postman to access OAuth 2.0 Google APIs

Could not obtain Google oAuth 2 token on POSTMan

and many more, but they all have client ID and client secret.

For the 'Save to Android Pay' API, all I got is a .p12 key and an issuer ID. I also have Service Account Email Address but defiantly no client id or secret. I think I also have the Auth URL but I'm not sure: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/wallet_object.issuer

Looking in the Save to Android Pay API, doesn't say anything about a client id so I'm really not sure how I'm supposed to obtain a token in POSTMAN with what I have.

So my question is: giving a .p12 key, an issuerId and a Service Account Email Address, What do I need to fill in POSTMAN OAuth 2 fields:

Token Name, Auth URL, Access Token URL, Client ID, Client Secret, Scope (Optional), Grant Type


1 Answers


To obtain OAuth 2.0 client credentials, you need to register an application to the Google API Console as specify in the basic steps and then you'll get a client ID and client secret.