I have pre provisioned an Azure Subscription using a custom fitler for my NServiceBus endpoint to connect to.
Filter = [NServiceBus.EnclosedMessageTypes] LIKE '%ContractName%' AND Property = 'true'
I receive the following critical error from NServiceBus:
Looks like this subscriptionname is already taken by another logical endpoint as the sql filter does not match the subscribed eventtype, please choose a different subscription name!
NServiceBus will add its own rule which is a more verbose version of what I have around the contract name.
Even if I add the exact same filter that NServiceBus would create if the subscription didn't previously exist and add my custom filter, it still complains.
Filter = <generated by NServiceBus> AND Property = 'true'
The custom property filter is to prevent the subscription getting messages it doesn't care about from a busy topic and causing unnecessary processing to ignore them.
Does anyone know if I can tell NServiceBus that the filter is ok and it can proceed?
I'm using NServiceBus 4.6.5 and NServiceBus.Azure 5.3.5