I'm using PrimeNG & Angular2 for my app.
I've got a component which should show a dropdown menu of selectable themes. I've followed the PrimeNG Dropdown documentation and as far as I can see I've got everything build up the same way. But I'm always getting the Error "No value accessor for '' "
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core'
import { Dropdown, SelectItem} from 'primeng/primeng';
selector: 'my-themes',
templateUrl: 'dist/html/theme.component.html',
directives: [Dropdown],
export class ThemeComponent {
selectables: SelectItem[];
style: string;
constructor() {
this.selectables = [];
this.selectables.push({ label: 'Nightflat', value: 'Nightflat' });
this.selectables.push({ label: 'Flat', value: 'Flat' });
ngOnInit() {
<p-dropdown [options]="selectables" [(ngModel)]="style"></p-dropdown>
Any ideas where the problem might be? :( Edit: The problem actuallyy is ngModel. The Dropdown gets displayed if I remove it from the html tag.