
I have the following DOM:

enter image description here

Within this list are (two) jquery UI sliders, each slider has two nobs: enter image description here

I would like to loop through the sliders in the list and change the value of the nobs. I am havinga a hard time locating these sliders with jquery. Here is the code I have thus far:

this.state.exceptionsEdit.forEach(function (exp, index){

      $('#exception-list-edit:nth-child('+index+')').find('.ui-slider').slider("values", 0, Date.parse(this.state.exceptionsEdit[index].start)/1000)
      $('#exception-list-edit:nth-child('+index+')').find('.ui-slider').slider("values", 1, Date.parse(this.state.exceptionsEdit[index].end)/1000)

How do I select and update all of these ui slider nobs properly with jQuery?

show your code where you creating that slidersspirit
and please, instead of pasting a screenshot, paste your html code. this way it will be much easier to understand your problemspirit