
The documentation for the Watson Visual Recognition Services indicates that the costs for the service are

$0.25/Training image
$0.004 for classification per image per custom class
$10 for storage per custom class per month

So if I have 1 custom classifier with 1000 classes trained with 50 images each. Then the costs would be

$0.25 * 50000 = $12500 for initial training
$10 * 1000 = $10000 per month for storage
$4 per classification call if tested against all 1000 classes in the classifier

is my understanding correct? The $4 per call seems too high. Is the cost per class (1000 in this case) or per custom classifier (1 in this case)?

If I later add more training images (say additional 500 images), would the $0.25 per training image be charged for only these additional images ($0.25 * 500 = $125) or would it instead be $0.25 * 50500 = $12625?


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