Is it possible to sort XSSFPivotTable data using Apache POI in Java? Currently I am able to create a pivot table, assign a labels, and add aggregate functions but no luck with the data sorting. Currently my Java code is as follows:
public XSSFSheet createPivotTable (XSSFSheet datasht, XSSFSheet destinationsheet) {
XSSFPivotTable pivotTable = destinationsheet.createPivotTable(new AreaReference("$A:$AV"), new CellReference("A1"), datasht);
pivotTable.addColumnLabel(DataConsolidateFunction.MIN, 25);
pivotTable.addColumnLabel(DataConsolidateFunction.MIN, 24);
pivotTable.addColumnLabel(DataConsolidateFunction.MIN, 46);
pivotTable.addColumnLabel(DataConsolidateFunction.MIN, 47);
Insert code to sort pivot table data in ascending order here
return destinationsheet;
Does anyone out there know how to access the sorting functionality of the XSSFPivotTable or know if this is even possible?
Another option I have looked at is to have a template excel file with a pre-existing pivot table configured how I want (including sorting) which is linked to a named range in excel. Then simply update the named range in my template file with new data every time my Java code is executed.
However the excel pivot table is a strange beast indeed and when you save your "template" excel document as a new file, the pivot table area reference always updates to be absolute, i.e. =OLDFILENAME.xlsx!pivotdatarange as opposed to =NAMEFILENAME.xlsx!pivotdatarange.
So my question for this option would be is it possible to modify the area reference of an existing pivot table in excel?