This is wrt to Binary Search Tree.I am traversing the tree in 2 ways.1)InOrder Traversal An inorder traversal of tree t is a recursive algorithm that follows the the left subtree; once there are no more left subtrees to process, we process the right subtree. The elements are processed in left-root-right order. 2)PostOrder Traversal A postorder traversal of tree t is a recursive algorithm that follows the the left and right subtrees before processing the root element. The elements are processed left-right-root order.
I am confused over how the recursion methods and print statements are working. Could you please enlighten me?
static void inOrder(Leaf root){
if(root != null){
System.out.print(root.value+" ");
static void postOrder(Leaf root){
if(root != null){
System.out.print(root.value+" ");