
I have a google spreadsheet where I write down my working time. For example there are the following records

G9 | 05:05

H9 | 06:30

Now I want to calculate if there is time left or not. First try:


Second try:


Unfortunately both ends up with a time like 22:35. Because calculation below 0 let the system think it should start by 24:00.

How can I display the value like -1:25 or vice-versa for positive times (1:05 e.g.) dynamically with a formula?

I have tried to change the format of the field, but it doesn't work since it would display all times as negative ones, even when they are positive.


As information if someone has troubles to work with the text values. Like @words mentioned you have to convert the value. But you also need a function if you want to work with arrays:


1 Answers


One can convert time to a string with text, and prepend "-" to it when needed:

=if(G9>=H9, text(G9-H9, "H:mm"), "-" & text(H9-G9, "H:mm"))

The result is a string, but if it's needed in later computations one can still recover the original value from it with value.