
I have TeamCity running for a C# project. The Unit tests are written using MSTest and they include an external JSON file. They are loaded in because they're large and I don't want to have to escape them in C#.

I import them like this:

public void Setup()
  using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(@".\currency2.json"))
    _json = r.ReadToEnd();

They run fine locally. I have 'Copy always set' but when the tests are ran using Teamcity I get an error saying that it can't find them in a temp folder. They are copied over to the build server but they're not in this temp folder.

Could not find file 'E:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp\SYSTEM_SERVER 2016-07-18 15_28_19\Out\currency2.json'

I have **\bin\release\*test*.dll setup as my Test File Names in the test build step.

Any help appreciated.

Is it normal that the error message is about currency2.json and your code sample about currency1.json. Maybe, currency1.json is set to copy local, but not currency2.json ?Didier Aupest
Sorry that is a little misleading. Typo. It can't find any of the files.Matt

2 Answers


I had a similar problem.

I changed the properties of the test file to this

  • Build Action = Content
  • Copy to Output Directory = Copy always

Teamcity will copy the file to the build folder, but it does not seem to maintain the same structure you'd expect.

So I created a file lookup loop. That will step down the expected folder until it finds the text file in question.

 var pathLookups = new string[]
            "2ndFolder\\3rdFolder\\test.json", // folder that normally workes
        foreach (var pathLookup in pathLookups)
                jsonFileCollection = JsonFileLoader<TestJsonType>.LoadJson(pathLooksup);
                if (jsonFileCollection!= null)
            catch (Exception)

                Console.WriteLine("Attempted to load test json from path:" + pathLooksup);

It's not the cleanest solution, but it will get the job done. You could refactor this to look a little nicer.


You might pass the full pass by argument to your program (and value defined in TeamCity).

Something like this (this is a pseudo-code example only) :

string[] programArgs;
static void Main(string[] args)
    programArgs = args

public void Setup()
    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(programArgs[1]))
    _json = r.ReadToEnd();