
I'm using Entity Framework get data from SQL Server. I have a stored procedure that contains dynamic SQL to search data.

My SQL code looks like this:

create procedure SearchProduct
    (@ProductId int = null,
     @ProductName nvarchar(50) = null,
     @ProductCatId int = null)
    Set NoCount ON
    declare @SqlStr nvarchar(max)
    declare @ParamList nvarchar(2000)
    set @SqlStr = 'select p.ProductId, p.ProductName, p.ProductCatName, p.From, p.To from Product p where (1=1)'
-- p.from , p. to is warranty period

    if @ProductName is not null
       set @SqlStr = 'and p.ProductName like ''%' +@ProductName + '%'' )'
    set @ParamList ='@ProductId,@ProductName,@ProductCat'

    execute sp_executesql @sqlStr, @ParamList, @ProductId, @ProductName, @ProductCat

I call this stored procedure SPDynamic1 from ASP.NET MVC like this:

var query = db.SPDynamic1(para1, para2, para3,...);

In here, query returns int. How to call the procedure to return result like

ProductId ProductName ProductCat
1         prod001     5
2         prod001     2 
1         prod001     1 
Have you SET NOCOUNT ON in top of your SP?Hamlet Hakobyan
Yes, i have. create procedure SearchProduct(para1,para2,....)as set nocount on ... begin .... endMr.Ken
Show the code of your SP.Hamlet Hakobyan
What are you asking? How to call dynamic SQL or how to get results from your procedure?James Z
I want to call SP(contain Dynamic Sql) with data input and return data columns in table ProductMr.Ken

1 Answers


I found it. Entity Framework doesn't support Dynamic Sql.