
I have an issue with Google plus access token. It is giving me "Invalid Credentials" error message sometimes, sometimes the same token show as active.

Following are the steps

The user confirms permission to access Google account with selected scopes.

The refresh token and access token is retrieved and saved to long time storage.

Used to refresh the token when ever needed by using stored refresh token

But sometimes I've experienced strange behaviour: Requests to Google APIs return Invalid Credentials (401) error. Refreshing the access token (using the stored refresh token) does not work.

Access token refresh method Using googleapis npm module to refresh token https://www.npmjs.com/package/googleapis

 oauth2Client.refreshAccessToken(function (err, tokens) {
            if (err) {
              console.log('error', err);
            console.log('access tokens', tokens.access_token); // Access token 
            console.log('refresh tokens', tokens.refresh_token); // Refresh token       

Questions: What can be the reason for this behaviour?

Does this behaviour related to with any google api rate limit? because the same token works sometimes and not other-times.

Is there a way to validate the refresh token?


1 Answers


Every time you refresh your access token using refresh token, you will given by new access token.The refresh token has no expiry. You can use the refresh token as many as possible for refreshing the access token