I use the acts-as-taggable-on gem with only one (default) tag list. I wonder whether it is possible to create a form to manage tags with the following features. (Went through all answers and only found solutions for Activeadmin.)
- I managed to get a list of all tags (across associated models) using ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all.
- I want to be able to edit each tag name (text input field).
- I want to be able to delete (destroy) a tag (checkbox).
- Lastly I want to be able to add a tag to the list as we use only categories user can add to different models. (maybe with find_or_create_with_like_by_name)
How would I construct the two forms 1-3 and 4? Is that at all possible with acts_as_taggable? Thanks for any hint in advance.