I have created a Docker image and pushed it to Google Container Registry as follows (both from inside Google Cloud Shell):
docker push eu.gcr.io/<my-project-id>/<my-image-name>
The result of this command indicates my image's presence in the repository:
docker search eu.gcr.io/<my-project-id>
Google's documentation suggests that I also should see a reserved bucket in Google Cloud Platform Console's Storage browser page:
The first time an image is pushed, a Google Cloud Storage bucket named artifacts.your-project-id.appspot.com is created. You can browse this bucket from the Google Cloud Platform Console's Storage browser page. This bucket should not be used for any other storage.
However, this is not the case:
Am I doing something wrong or is Google's documentation perhaps slightly wrong or out-of-date with respect to this detail?
UPDATE Can (sort-of) see storage buckets now: The Google Cloud Platform Console reports "2 buckets" in a summary view, but its Storage browser page still shows none. However, the equivalent page inside Google's Cloud Console app for iOS succeeds in showing both the buckets' count and names:
Only the first is non-empty (i.e. contains images).