I would like to add an index to a MySQL table in a database on Amazon RDS, but I do not want to stop using the database while the index is created. This answer suggests using read replica promotion, first creating the index on the a read replica and then promoting the read replica. I created a read replica to try this approach, but when I try to change the index on the read replica I get ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement
. How do I make it so that I can edit the read replica and will this prevent Amazon from continuing to update the read replica to match the master database?
2 Answers
Read replicas by default are read only until you customize them to be read write.
You can configure an Amazon RDS DB instance read replica to be read/write by setting the read_only parameter to false for the DB parameter group that you create for your DB instance(s). Follow this developers guide to achieve the read/write for you read replica. Then you will be able to achieve your use case.
The pattern you are attempting is:
- While the app writes to current_db, next_db does the disruptive work of building a new index. Once the next_db catches up ...
- [tricky] Safely switch app traffic from current_db to next_db
- Take old master offline (or rebuild it, or add the index, or whatever, it's superfluous now)
With MySQL, you have to be really careful about step #2, especially if your app is running on 2+ instances. If part of your app tier writes to current_db and part of your app writes to next_db, bad things can happen if you aren't careful. Here's two ways to stay safe:
- Three Second Cutover: Stop all writes to current_db, then verify that next_db is fully replicated, then start writes to next_db. If next_db is hot and ready, this cut-over interval results in 1-3 seconds of "downtime", depending on how fast you type.
- Zero Downtime: With two db instances authoring writes, you need to be careful about DB design. The most important issue for MySQL is to use odd vs even numbering for auto-incrementing row IDs on the two db instances. Otherwise, both DB instances would be creating new DB rows with the same IDs! Badness! Data Corruption!
Unfortunately, RDS read-replica promotion doesn't seem sufficient for doing zero-downtime schema. Here's what the RDS docs say about read-replica promotion:
The promotion process takes a few minutes to complete. When you promote a Read Replica, replication is stopped and the Read Replica is rebooted. When the reboot is complete, the Read Replica is available as a single-AZ DB instance.
That doesn't really do the trick for zero-downtime. However, you could safely do "Three [Minute] Cutover" update using that mechanism. Sadly, because of the reboot, it will take minutes. Here's how:
- Add a read-replica and let it catch up to the master
- Mark read-replica as writable (link) and apply your forwards-compatible schema updates [DO NOT SEND DB ROW UPDATES!]
- STOP app (write) traffic to the old master (b/c replication is about to end). If your app supports it, it could run in read-only mode for this time, or spool writes into a queue.
- Promote read-replica (link) ... takes ~3 minutes.
- Point your app at the new DB instance that you've promoted.
- Verify that your app is working and healthy (might give it an hour; be paranoid).
- Destroy old DB instance.
If you truly want "Zero Downtime" updates, you'll need to investigate: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.MultiAZ.html
Final word: Whatever you choose to do, I'd recommend practicing it once with mock version of your app before trying it on your live system! :-)
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD INDEX my_table__idx (my_column), ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE;
stackoverflow.com/a/21842589/2327821 – Michael