I'm building my second Jekyll site and I'm trying to make the page layout pull in different includes based on variables.
For example, in download.md
layout: page
form: "free"
sidebar: "terms"
With this, the site will no longer compile. It says
Liquid error (line 17): wrong number of arguments (4 for 3).
Line 17 is the first if statement in the example below.
How should I set up these includes?
<article class="s-article t-twocol__article">
<header class="s-article__header">
<h1 class="s-article__title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
<h4 class="s-article__lede">{{ page.lede }}</h4>
<div class="s-article__content">
{% if {{page.form}} == "full" %}
{% include c-form--full.html %}
{% endif %}
{% if {{page.form}} == "free" %}
{% include c-form--free.html %}
{% endif %}
{{ content }}