I am using vue-tables to show some tabular data. I am trying to extend vue-tables to make cells in certain columns editable. Therefore I created a vuejs child component called "editable-cell" which is able to edit cell content. This child component is inserted as a vue-tables template for the editable column.
These are my vue-tables options:
headings: {
title: 'Title',
description: 'Description',
createdBy: 'Created By',
createdAt: 'Created At',
updatedAt: 'Updated At',
compileTemplates: true, // compile vue.js logic on templates.
templates: {
title: function(row) {
return '<editable-cell row-id="'+row._id.$oid+'" key="title" value="'+row.title+'"></editable-cell>'
Currently I am only passing the plain string value of row.title
down to the child component.
My problem: When that is updated, then the data in the parent component is not changed. I know about two-way binding of properties with :value.sync="..."
but how do I do that when I want to bind to the right element in parent data?
vue-tables only passes the row to the template function. How do I then bind to the correct element in the parent data array?
UPDATE I managed to create a JSFiddle that shows my problem: https://jsfiddle.net/Doogie/nvmt0vd7/