I am using a Dynamic View Panel and would like to create a "Favorites" column in the view. The underlying view has a "Favorites" multivalue names field that contains all users that have flagged the document as a favorite. What I would like to do is to handle this conversion in a "Customizer" bean where I can compare the current user with the stored vales in the "Favorites" column and see if they are in the list. If they are I would present a "Green Star" icon (not a standard Notes icon) else I would present an empty star icon. I would also like to make the star icon live so if you click on the star it would toggle the favorite value in the database on/off.
How do I implement such a feature?
- What are the DominoViewCustomizer methods I need to override? (looking at afterCreateColumn)
- How do I get and set the column values? (really lost here)
- How do I get the column to display a Notes resource image (my stars) or do I need to store it in a directory on server?
- How do I make the star icon clickable?
- How do I capture that click event?
Using Domino v9.0.1