What I want is to convert a flash project to an openfl project (which is written in haxe) in order to use its cross platform feature. I used as3hx to convert actionscript classes of a flash project to haxe. Then I fix compile errors by hand, and fix a run time error too. When I compile the project, I see a blank black window, which means that graphics are not loaded. I convert the code and code is working fine, but I don't know what should I do with graphics. There is a fla file in flash project, which I don't know how to convert it to openfl.
Adobe Flash CC, which is the program used to write flash project, does the linkage of a symbol to a actionscript class, and I don't know how to do this in openfl.
In openfl, as far as I know, giving graphics to a class is done like this :
import openfl.display.Bitmap;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.Assets;
class Main extends Sprite {
public function new () {
super ();
var bd:BitmapData = Assets.getBitmapData("img/openfl.png");
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bd);
Where the openfl.png is a graphical file in a special folder named img, which declared to be an assets path.
I use HaxeDevelop IDE.
Thanks for any help