I signed up for a Bluemix account in the US-South region and created a CF mobile app to use the Push Notification Service. Added the GCM credentials to the push configuration, cloned both the Cordova and Android HelloPush sample apps from the ibm-bluemix-mobile-services repository and setup the App ID and App Routes in the index.js file (for Cordova) and the MainActivity class (for Android).
Followed the instructions in Android helloPush Sample Application for Bluemix Mobile Services and HelloPush Cordova application for IBM MobileFirst Services on IBM Bluemix for both the Android and Cordova apps respectively.
Although both the apps successfully register at the imfpush server and the token is received with the device id, the push messages sent via the Push Dashboard are not received by the apps.
Tried changing the GCM credentials, but no luck in resolving the issue.
I confirmed that the devices were registered in the Push Service by querying
which returned the registered Device IDs.
Specifically, I noticed that registerNotificationsCallback()
in the Cordova app does not get fired at any time.