I am working with Azure IOT HUB. Can I authorize a device using SSL certificate to send data to IOT HUB. While sending events to IOT Hub using IOT REST APIs, I can only see Authorization header accepting SAS token. I have already provisioned my device with thumbprint of SSL certificate on IOT Hub but not sure how to send events to IOT Hub using certificate authorization.
2 Answers
Yes you can. Please take a look at the sections in https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/iot-hub-sas-tokens/ that discuss using X.509 certificates with IoT Hub.
For those seeing this question for the first time, I've created a C#-based code sample that shows you how to associate OpenSSL self-signed and self-generated X509 certs with a device registered in Azure IoT Hub, and then use the certs (primary or secondary) in subsequent runtime operations - specifically sending a telemetry message.