I'm writing a backend application which will connect to an enterprise's box and should be able to access (get info, download content, search, get events about) all content in the enterprise.
I tried reading the following over and over:
- https://docs.box.com/docs/configuring-box-platform
- https://docs.box.com/docs/app-auth
- https://docs.box.com/docs/app-users
If I understand correctly, I would like to use App Auth so that no real user's credentials in the organization will be used in my app.
Also I think that a user access token should be sufficient for my needs as long as it will have access to the entire enterprise's content.
So my questions are :
In order to create an App User I seem to need to first get an Enterprise Access Token and then use it to create the App User using a POST request? Can't this be done via the GUI once per an enterprise?
Am I right that a user access token is sufficient for my needs and it will give access to the whole organization's content?