Am working on ember app (1.11) and having an issue with computed property not taking updated value when its updated in code . Code as below (have trimmed down, only showing relevant snippet).
Am showing a list of things on UI when iterating through "data" which is a computed property. Then I make a selection from drop down, I am sending a action, triggering that computed property and adding things to that list. When I do this once, I get all the updated list or iteration on UI, but when I do the selection again to increase the list/iteration, the computed property is taking the initial value of list, not the updated one, where I just added one more item, hence not showing correct details.
I am not getting what's going wrong. I could not create a twiddle as well, as its a lot of code and got stuck in error in twiddle.
Parent Component- ehbs
{{pax-detail list=list}}
Parent Component - js
list: function(){
return this.get('arr') //This arr comes from route/controller via query string in url
Pax Detail Component- ehbs
{{pax-select action="changed"}}
{{ages ageData=data}}
Pax Detail Component - js
countChanged: '',
actions: {
changed: function(e){
data : function(){
var arr = this.get('list')
// doing lot to manipulation - constructing arr/object
arr.pushObject({}) // basically modifying the initial arr
return arr
} else {
return arr
Pax Select Component - ehbs
Pax Select Component - js
change: function (e) {