We have just upgraded one of our Dynamics CRM instance from CRM Online 2015 to CRM Online 2016.
While I could see rest of the functionalities working properly, there is a major show stopper for us in a particular scenario:
Following is the code from a java script function which gets called during page load:
function SetDefaultValuesInLookup()
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_applicationcontactid").setValue([{ id:
records.new_Contact.Id, name: records.new_Contact.Name, entityType: records.new_Contact.LogicalName }]);
function ShowHideFields()
var applicationtype = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_applicationtype").getValue();
To summarize SetDefaultValuesInLookup function sets a value for the lookup field "Application Contact Id" in the form, and also sets "new_applicationtype" based on some condition.
This two functions are registered in the form load to get executed in an order. however, the problem is that - sometimes the method SetDefaultValuesInLookup abruptly terminates after executing first getAttribute value, or if the method completes its execution, then we don't get value in new_applicationtype field. Or sometimes, both the method works properly.
I tried debugging the code, and could see we are getting Id, Name, and LogicalName properties are getting populated everytime, so there is no issue at that level.
I am wondering if there is something here which is not supported in CRM 2016? Also, this functionality still perfectly works in Online 2015.