In my firebase analytic event "first_open" shows 489 download till 7th july but in play store stats it shows 347 download till 7th july, i don't know why these no. is differ.
Definition of first_open is:-
When a user opens the app for the first time.
This event is not triggered when a user downloads the app onto a device, but instead when he or she first uses it. To see raw download numbers, look in Google Play Developer Console or in iTunesConnect.
But when user open my app for first time is 489 then at play store it should also be 489 or more, i don't know why this happen?
I have doubt if some user downloaded my app and open my app, firebase event first_open count increases by 1 what if a user uninstall and after some time reinstall then is it again increases the first_open of firebase analytic.