So I have a half duplex bus driver, where I send something and then always have to wait a lot of time to get a response. During this wait time I want the processor to do something valuable, so I'm thinking about using FreeRTOS and vTaskDelay() or something.
One way to do it would off be splitting the driver up in some send/receive part. After sending, it returns to the caller. The caller then suspends, and does the reception part after a certain period of time.
But, the level of abstraction would be finer if it continues to be one task from the user point of view, as today. Therefore I was thinking, is it possible for a function within a task to suspend the task itself? Like
void someTask()
someFunction(&someTask(), arg 1, arg 2,...);
void someFunction(*someSortOfReferenceToWhateverTaskWhoCalled, arg1, arg2 ...)
/*Use the pointer or whatever to suspend the task that called this function*/