A question about cluster routers (strategy = round-robin-group). I can't get it to round robin between my routees in a clustered setup.
My setup is as follows: Node A, starting its actor system in the context of ASP.NET. In there I have a API controller that talks to actor A1, this actor then talks to my router. This router should then round robin the messages to its routees that are created on node B (using the worker role).
Node B creates its actor system within the context of a windows service. I have double checked that all of my routees on node B are actually created (done at service startup).
In order to check which of the routees that receive the message sent from the router at node A, I just console log Self.Path in my Receive handle. For some reason, the same routee gets all the messages and they are not distributed around the routees.
Se config on node A below.
/workerRouter {
router = round-robin-group
routees.paths = [
cluster {
enabled = on
use-role = worker
The router is instantiated with the following code:
ActorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Empty.WithRouter(FromConfig.Instance), "workerRouter");
Using versions:
- Akka 1.1.0
- Akka.Cluster 1.1.0
- Akka.Remote 1.1.0