I already read from here FTS4 sqlite MATCH not working and here Full text search example in Android but It can't solve my problem.
I have a external database and I use sqlite 3 version 3.13.0 with 2 table like this.
And I create a virtual table:
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tb_bank_fts USING fts4 (content="tb_bank",address, typename)
Virtual table create successfull and I can use select.
But I can't use "match" query with fts4 table, alway return null with no error.
Half month ago I can query fts4 table with "match" but now i can't do that.I don't know why. I try using SQlite Manager addon in Firefox but same problem.
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_table_name USING fts4 (content="original_table_name", colum1, colum2 ...)
. All record from original table will insert to virtual table with columns you choose. Sorry for my bad english! – Ken Kem