I use an OrthographicCamera set to 720 by 1280 and then set it's combined matrix as the projection matrix in my SpriteBatch. I then generate a BitmapFont using the FreeTypeFontGenerator and use it to render text.
OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera();
camera.setToOrtho(false, 720, 1280);
SpriteBatch batch = new SpriteBatch();
This is the output:
As you can see the fonts look very distorted and the only way I found to fix it is by removing the line where I set the projection matrix in my SpriteBatch.
I put this as an issue on the lib GDX github page, but I was told this is not because of Lib GDX. I need to use this projection matrix so that I can develop my application in one resolution and have it scale to fit any screen. Is there a way to render text without encountering this problems?