I am building a network router application using Erlang OTP framework.
In its process of running a Supervisor creates two genservers and each estagen_server:call(CurrentProcName,{BinEvent,UniqueTrxId,MdPid},infinity),blishes a tcp connection to two individual servers.
Now while running the application , It happens that one genserver receives a duplicate event , on such a case I want that event to be processed by the second gen_server .
For this , i am calling gen_server:call(NextProcName,{BinEvent,UniqueTrxId,MdPid},infinity),
This function I am calling inside the gen_server module when the condition for duplicate event satisfies.
NextProcName :: It is the registered name for the second gen_server
NOTE :: the code remains the same for both gen_server's
The problem is I am able to duplicate events but the event is somehow not getting passed to the second gen_server :(
Please suggest If I am doing it in the wrong way or not.