
I created a Panel directory inside Controller directory .

enter image description here

there is a login function inside AdminController.php

class AdminController extends Controller

    public function login()
        return 'test';

in routes.php I wrote a route like this:


but when I run below url I got some errors that there isn't exist this controller :


ReflectionException in Route.php line 280: Class App\Http\Controllers\Panel\AdminController does not exist

It could be that laravel hasn't updated autoloder. Did you run composer dump-autoload?exabyssus
try to set your controller namespace to App\Http\Controllers\PanelBindesh Pandya
try to run composer dump-autoloadPardeep Pathania
stackoverflow.com/questions/18850542/… check this you will get your solutionPardeep Pathania
@Pardeep Pathania I used dump-autoload but doesn't workS.M_Emamian

2 Answers


Try adding the appropriate namespace to the top of the AdminController file, you will also need to specify the namespace for the Controller class that it extends, as they are under different sub-namespaces.

You can read more about PSR-4 autoloading here http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/.

Based on the directory structure that you have there it should read


    namespace App\Http\Controllers\Panel

    use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

    class AdminController extends Controller {



you should add the namespace to the contorller

Change you namespace to

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Panel;

Laravel will resolve controllers based on your name spacing, not on your directory structure.