
I'm doing migration to the newest version of yours java sdk rides-api - 0.5.1

I've one problem with requesting uber (in sandbox mode) - when I try to request uber and parallelly accept that then I'm getting back with info saying that uber with such productId couldn't be found. This is weird because these are exactly what I get when asking for taxi-proposals (combination of price-estimates and get-product endpoints). Any idea whats going on?

I'm getting the following error message (while trying to accept the ride in sandbox mode):

code: not_found, status: 404, title: Invalid product "929fcc19-8cb4-4007-a54f-3ab34473700f"

What do you mean by "request uber and parallelly accept"? You have to wait for a request_id to change the status in sandbox mode.Alexander Graebe
Let me be more clear. When I do first request for uber with specific product_id then (when still waiting for response) I do another request to sandbox endpoint with this product_id and status accept. When doing that I'm getting the above error msg with 404 status (the id that I'm passing is not corrupted).user3601361

1 Answers


I'm not sure I understand correctly. Here's what I understand:

  1. You make a POST /v1/requests/ requesting a ride with a specific product_id
  2. Before you receive a response for the POST, you send a PUT /v1/sandbox/requests/{request_id} with status accept

Is this correct? In other words, you want to create a request and accept it right away?

If so, you should probably double check your second PUT. It requires a request_id and not a product_id.

Otherwise, if you actually are making a PUT /v1/sandbox/products/{product_id} with the product_id, your intent would be to modify the available products and would have nothing to do with the status.