I am trying to setup VSTS release management for my Azure SQL database. I am using the "Deploy Azure SQL DACPAC" task. Path to the dacpac file is setup as
While the database updates correctly I get an error in the end that causes the task to fail.
"System.Management.Automation.ParentContainsErrorRecordException: *** Could not deploy package"
It looks like all the updates are applied to the database but the task still throws an error. Log below
2016-07-07T07:50:44.6118522Z Publishing to database 'mydb' on server 'myserver.database.windows.net'.
2016-07-07T07:50:45.7587428Z Initializing deployment (Start)
2016-07-07T07:50:52.5825349Z Initializing deployment (Complete)
2016-07-07T07:50:52.5835341Z Analyzing deployment plan (Start)
2016-07-07T07:50:52.7085342Z Analyzing deployment plan (Complete)
2016-07-07T07:50:52.7085342Z Updating database (Start)
2016-07-07T07:50:53.7000358Z Altering [dbo].[usp_Products_List]...
2016-07-07T07:50:53.7170379Z Creating [dbo].[usp_Products_GetById]...
2016-07-07T07:50:53.8745919Z An error occurred while the batch was being executed.
2016-07-07T07:50:53.8855912Z Updating database (Failed)
2016-07-07T07:50:53.9105905Z ##[debug]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: *** Could not deploy package.
2016-07-07T07:50:53.9225921Z ##[debug][Azure RDFE Call] Deleting firewall rule 260745ad-327c-45ae-bcb8-5c6bb0e43797 on azure database server: myserver
2016-07-07T07:50:55.9753040Z ##[debug][Azure RDFE Call] Firewall rule 260745ad-327c-45ae-bcb8-5c6bb0e43797 deleted on azure database server: myserver
2016-07-07T07:50:55.9934761Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.ParentContainsErrorRecordException: *** Could not deploy package.
Stored Procedure Code
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Products_GetById]
@pId int
FROM [dbo].[Products]
WHERE [id] = @pId