I know scala, as a funcional language, is supposed to work differently from a common OO language, such as Java, but I'm sure there has to be a way to wrap a group of database changes in a single transaction, ensuring atomicity as well as every other ACID property.
As explained in the slick docs (http://slick.lightbend.com/doc/3.1.0/dbio.html), DBIOAction allows to group db operations in a transaction like this:
val a = (for {
ns <- coffees.filter(_.name.startsWith("ESPRESSO")).map(_.name).result
_ <- DBIO.seq(ns.map(n => coffees.filter(_.name === n).delete): _*)
} yield ()).transactionally
val f: Future[Unit] = db.run(a)
However, my use case (and most real world examples I can think of), I have a code structure with a Controller, which exposes the code for my REST endpoint, that controller calls multiple services and each service will delegate database operations to DAOs.
A rough example of my usual code structure:
class UserController @Inject(userService: UserService) {
def register(userData: UserData) = {
userService.save(userData).map(result => Ok(result))
class UserService @Inject(userDao: UserDao, addressDao: AddressDao) {
def save(userData: UserData) = {
for {
savedUser <- userDao.save(userData.toUser)
savedAddress <- addressDao.save(userData.addressData.toAddress)
} yield savedUser.copy(address = savedAddress)
class SlickUserDao {
def save(user: User) = {
db.run((UserSchema.users returning UserSchema.users)).insertOrUpdate(user)
This is a simple example, but most have more complex business logic in the service layer.
I don't want:
- My DAOs to have business logic and decide which database operations to run.
- Return DBAction from my DAOs and expose the persistency classes. That completely defeats the purpose of using DAOs in the first place and makes further refactorings much harder.
But I definitely want a transaction around my entire Controller, to ensure that if any code fails, all the changes done in the execution of that method will be rolled back.
How can I implement full controller transactionality with Slick in a Scala Play application? I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do that.
Also, how can I disable auto-commit in slick? I'm sure there is a way and I'm just missing something.
So reading a bit more about it, I feel now I understand better how slick uses connections to the database and sessions. This helped a lot: http://tastefulcode.com/2015/03/19/modern-database-access-scala-slick/.
What I'm doing is a case of composing in futures and, based on this article, there's no way to use the same connection and session for multiple operation of the kind.
Problem is: I really can't use any other kind of composition. I have considerable business logic that needs to be executed in between queries.
I guess I can change my code to allow me to use action composition, but as I mentioned before, that forces me to code my business logic with aspects like transactionality in mind. That shouldn't happen. It pollutes the business code and it makes writing tests a lot harder.
Any workaround this issue? Any git project out there that sorts this out that I missed? Or, more drastic, any other persistence framework that supports this? From what I've read, Anorm supports this nicely, but I may be misunderstanding it and don't want to change framework to find out it doesn't (like it happened with Slick).